Category: NPMC News

News relating to the National Petroleum Management Association

In Memoriam: Ruth Lavin

In Loving Memory of Ruth Lavin: A Legacy of Service, Strength, and Dedication It is…

NPMC Welcome Tom Boriack

NPMC is pleased to announce Tom Boriack as our new Secretary to the NPMC Board…

NPMC Board of Directors Nominations

NPMC announces nominations for a Board of Directors Seat  We would like to thank Jim…

PETRO 24 San Antonio, Texas

We were so happy to see so many people attend the conference in San Antonio.…

Join Us for a Celebration of Life

Our founder and former president, John “Jack” F. Lavin will be interred at Arlington National…

PETRO 24 – Save the Date!

NPMC is happy to announce the return of PETRO to San Antonio! Save the date!…

Change in in the Air

Spring is a time of change and we here at the NPMA are no exception.…

Ruth Lavin Announced as NPMC President

Mrs. Ruth A. Lavin, President, CEO, NPMC Mrs. Ruth A. Lavin began working with NPMA, alongside her…

NPMC Sponsors Room at Sheppard AFB

MSgt Levi Martin and TSgt Robert Duarte contacted the NPMC about sponsoring a room at…

Keynote Speaker for PETRO 23 Announced!

We are pleased to announce the selection of Dennis L. Bacon, Chief, Fuels Branch, Engineering and Support…