Your active involvement will help to enhance quality and safety in Operations & Maintenance of fuel support equipment and systems. NPMC exists to represent you and the aviation fueling community. Our goals are to advance knowledge of the science of petroleum operations. We promote the highest degree of organizational excellence and safety in the operation and maintenance of fuel servicing equipment and facilities. We exploit cutting edge technology that significantly enhances operational efficiency and product quality.
NPMC is creating opportunities for Petroleum Professionals and an environment for people to network and ethically discuss problems of common interest and to exchange their ideas and views on needs and concerns affecting the fuel servicing industry. We publish a monthly newsletter to keep members up to date on activities relating to a wide variety of petroleum handling operations and other items of interest. We provide career counseling and transition assistance to any of our members. Our web site is available for all of our members to post resumes or job announcements and events related to POL.
Included in your membership package is the NPMA challenge coin. The front of the coin depicts the standard aircraft refueling hose and nozzle wrapped around the NMPC logo. The rear of the coin shows the symbol we adopted, the Single Point Receptacle… SPR. We have personalized the acronym SPR to reflect Safety, Professionalism, and Reliability.
- Safety symbolizes the inherent dangers in fuel handling and our resolve to minimize hazards and accidents.
- Professionalism symbolizes the caliber of individuals involved in the industry and our mission to foster their growth and status.
- Reliability symbolizes the importance of delivering a quality product to the customer on time.
Surrounding the SPR you find our motto. “Proud of our Past ~ Confident of our Future”. The petroleum industry has a proud heritage, whcih we will embrace, preserve and continue to look beyond, into the 21st century, confident that our industry will continue to prosper.
Also included in your membership package is the NPMC gold logo pin. The pin represents our member’s support in promoting the fuel handling profession and the acknowledgement of services rendered by exceptional and dedicated men and women in the petroleum profession.
We welcome any thought and suggestions that you feel would enhance membership with the NPMC. Please feel free to contact us anytime at the above address and phone number and let us know what we can do to assist you.
Individual Memberships
Gold Level
The Individual Gold Level is a one year membership intended for professionals in the petroleum operations and maintenance industry. This level provide the following benefits:
Gold Level Member Benefits:
- NPMC Challenge Coin
- Monthly PetroGram Newsletter
- Reduced Rates at PETRO Tradeshows
- Access to the NMPC Job Board
- Discounts on Training and Certification/Testing Materials
Black Gold Level
The Individual Black Gold Level is a three year membership intended for professionals in the petroleum operations and maintenance industry. This level provide the following benefits:
Gold Level Member Benefits:
- NPMC Challenge Coin
- Monthly PetroGram Newsletter
- Reduced Rates at Professional Development Seminars
- Access to the NMPC Job Board
- Discounts on Training and Certification/Testing Materials
In Addition, Black Gold Level Members Receive:
- Resume Listing on the NPMC Job Board
- Career Counseling, upon request
- Resume Assistance, upon request
- Active Assistance with Job Placement, upon request
Corporate Memberships
Gold Level
The Gold level is the entry corporate membership level and is valid for one year. It is intended for small to medium sized petroleum related companies. This level provide the following benefits
Gold Level Members Receive:
- Corporate plaque
- Advertisement on NPMC in our Corporate Member Directory
- Press release publication on NPMC site and newsletter
- Posting of job openings on the NPMC membership site
- Access to the NPMC resume bank
- Discounts on trade show attendance and exhibiting
Black Gold Level
The Black Gold level is the premier level of corporate membership and is valid for three years. It is intended for enterprise sized petroleum related companies . This level provide the following benefits
Black Gold Level Members Receive:
- Corporate plaque
- Three FREE individual Gold level memberships
- Scrolling banner advertisement on NPMA site
- Posting in Corporate Member Directory
- Press release publication on NPMA site and newsletter
- Posting of job openings on the NPMA membership site
- Discounts on trade show attendance and exhibiting